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About US

Coopérateur is the magazine of Sollio Cooperative Group since 1972. Its mission is to promote cooperation, spread advanced technical and economic information and address the major issues affecting agriculture and the food industry. 

Contact us

Subscription services

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Printed magazine

  • Frequency

    Coopérateur is published in French eight times a year.   


  • Price

    1 year $40.00
    2 years $60.00
    3 years $80.00
    1 year (international) $98.00 
  • How

    To subscribe to the Coopérateur, click here!

Media kit

Advertising in our printed magazine, on our website or in our newsletter offers you the following benefits:

  • A certified draw (CCAB – BPA Worldwide) allowing you to reach nearly 12,500 farms, of which a concentration of this draw is done in the most important farms of Québec. 

  • An exceptional opportunity to partner with the largest distribution network of agricultural inputs in Québec. 

  • Support from Sollio Agriculture agri advisor who regularly use our publications in their work with producers of Sollio Cooperative Group network. 

  • An attractive visual presentation on quality paper. 

  • Interesting and varied editorial content covering all types of farm productions. 

  • Advertising rates that are economical and adapted to your segment of the agricultural market. 

  • The perfect opportunity to increase your sales in Québec agricultural market. 

Media Kit
Certification Report (CCAB)


Pierre Grinsell
450 661-8200

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